Tuesday Noon Refresher DA Meeting

We are an online meeting!

Tuesday Noon to 1pm PST (UTC-8)

We are meeting by Zoom.us video conference.

You can join the meeting before the Secretary starts joins, but the Secretary is the person who can start the meeting.

Join DA meeting using Zoom video Click the button. Follow the instructions to install the Zoom software. Use the Zoom Gallery view to see everyone's faces.

Or call in by phone at +1 253 215 8782 (Meeting ID: 273 457 7557 Passcode: 166679) or find another dial in number to call in by phone.

We meet Tuesday 12pm - 1pm Pacific Time

Meeting documents

Other DA resources

To Donate

Click this link on your mobile phone: https://cash.app/$tuesnoon.

We are not meeting in person right now, but when we start meeting in person again, for more information and location, contact:


How to Get Your 12-Step Group Online – How-to guide for making a page like this one for your group.